On June 11, 2007 our first grandchild was born in Joplin, MO, where his parents, Randy and Joy, are Associate Pastors at the Church of God (Holiness). The senior Pastor of the church is Randy's Grandpa (Janet's Dad). Randy also works as a painter to pay the bills. They are totally immersed in children's ministry, bus ministry, and friendship evangelism. We were able to be there with them in Nov. 2006, April 2007, and June 2007 (had to see that new baby!).
Randy's family surprised us by driving out to Johnstown, CO for Labor Day weekend. Monday (Labor Day) was also Randy's 22nd birthday. We went to the mountains, for which they were very homesick!

Grandpa (Rowen) with Quil

Jason, Emily, and Jeff really enjoyed their nephew, Quil.

Quil's Aunt Beth loved entertaining him!

Uncle Tim and (soon to be) Aunt Brenda