On Joy's 21st Birthday, April 28, we went to Schermerhorn Park, Galena, KS for a cookout/picnic. It is a beautiful park with a river, a "mountain" hiking trail, a cave we couldn't go in, and playground equipment. Rowen and Randy barbecued brats.

It was chilly that evening. We made Quil wear a hat.

He was sleepy, so he had a nap while the guys cooked. Joy and I rolled his stroller back and forth while we hummed his "naptime" tune over and over!

YUM! YUM! BTW, we had cheesecake with strawberries for dessert!

Birthday girl, Joy!

Tim and Brenda were so happy to be together again. Since Tim lives in MO now, and Brenda still lives in CO, they both get lonely for each other!

The Albertson couples: Rowen and Janet, married 25 years this October; Joy and Randy, married 2 years this August; Tim and Brenda, to be married July 11, 2008!

Auntie Beth and Quil

The "Mountain" Hike

The Cave we were not allowed to enter. There are special salamanders in there to protect!!