Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some good news, for a "change". Pun intended!

I apologize for the poor quality: these are cell phone pictures, but they are all we have so far! We received this picture late last night! It is our new grandson, Micah Rowen Albertson, who was born 1/26/09 at 10:55pm CST. He weighed 7 # and measured 19 3/4 inches long. He insisted on coming out forehead first, so got pretty bruised on the forehead. This picture was taken when he was a few minutes old!

This picture was taken this morning, when Auntie Brenda was holding him. He looks very sweet and peaceful. I love his onesie!

This is when Quil got introduced to his new brother and playmate this morning. Quil had spent most of the time since Sunday dinner with Uncle Tim and Aunt Brenda, or with Great-grandpa and ma Scoles. I'm sure he was glad to see his mommy and daddy again. I hope he will quickly learn to love his precious brother.

Here Micah is all dressed up in clothes. Because his daddy drank coffee, he was born naked! So we are glad to see he has some clothes now!

We will be adding more pictures when we get more!
We are thanking the Lord for Micah's safe arrival, for His help to Joy, and the blessing of new life!