March 27, we went to Colorado Springs to revival service and spent a little time with Uncle Alvin and Katie.
We love getting to see them every now and then.
Katie took this picture of our group before we left their house.
On March 31, I bound the edge of the newest quilt. I gave it to Jason for a graduation gift.
We need to get some good pictures of both Beth and Jason for graduation. Since Beth's glasses get dark in the sun, we haven't figured out how to do good outdoor pictures.
I still think the pictures are sweet, even with dark glasses!
Jason was needing a haircut this day; at least his glasses don't get dark. He's offered to let Beth borrow his for her pictures! :) We'll keep trying...
The mountains are beautiful this time of year.
Spring in Colorado! This was a short, fierce snowstorm we had last Sunday!
Fun times with Lincoln on the rope swing:
Lincoln looking sweet! He has a hard time smiling without making silly faces nowadays, so this was one of the only "normal" pictures.
Beth teasing Lincoln!
Jeffrey and I in the car on our way to Federal Heights telling a funny story.
Pastor Mike Yancey (from Lakewood Wesleyan Bible Church) and his family came up for the evening April 1. We had a great visit and enjoyable music time with him and his family. Mike didn't want to drown out the rest of the instruments, so he used a "high tech" mute: a dishtowel!
Classic picture of Jason playing his cello that evening.
An interesting artifact donated to our museum this week: a glass negative! I am planning to research glass negatives and find out about how old it is.
A picture of my sweet husband, whom I love very much!
This weekend, Emily's friend, Amy has been visiting. They have had a fun time together.
They made these yummy pretzels yesterday.