There were times of eating together in the parsonage/fellowship hall. This shows some of the crowd.
Pastor Philemon Wachara was the special speaker for the evening services. Here we were visiting with him after Saturday evening service. He is from Kenya, but is in the US attending God's Bible School at present. He was telling us that our nephew, Aaron Profitt, is his statistics teacher!
We stayed with Rowen's cousin, Katie, and Uncle Alvin Gafford.
They are so kind to let us come and stay with them, and we enjoyed meals and visiting with them. Friday night we went to The Mason Jar for the evening meal.
Jason played the piano for the enjoyment of Uncle Alvin and Katie.
On Saturday afternoon, our kids went with the young people from the Immanuel Missionary Church to a mini-golf place. They had a great time; here are some pictures from that.
This is everybody who was in the group, except for the photographer, Steve.
We do have a picture of Steve, shown here with Tonya, whose birthday was being celebrated with this group activity.
This outhouse seemed to be one of the harder stations. I heard that Steve had to climb in there several times to rescue balls!
We call these guys "the two Jeffs". They and their families spent last summer in Ukraine helping the missionaries do VBSs! Wonderful folks!
We had a family picture taken before church on Easter.
Kassie Reynolds caught in a cute pose!
Emily and two of the girls she is friends with in Colorado Springs
Picture we took while driving through Garden of the Gods on the way home on Sunday afternoon
A picture we received as an Easter email gift when we got home! Our "adopted" son, Seth Stevenson and his special friend, Alesia Pruitt.