Many years ago now, Rowen and I had the opportunity to have regular short Sunday services at Cinnamon Park assisted living facility in Longmont. Rowen's Sunday school class helped with the services for several years, and at some point, it ended up that our family did the services. Rowen and I were involved there for 17 years. The people who attended the services changed from time to time because when people's health changed for the worse, they weren't allowed to stay in that facility. One very dear lady who was there for several years was Marjorie Mikels. Before we quit going there, she had been hospitalized and then placed in a different facility. It was a while before we got back in touch with her, but somehow we found out where she was moved. We have written cards and letters to each other for several years. Marjorie is nearly blind and can't read what I write to her, but someone else reads my letters to her. Her Christmas card expressed her desire to see us again. We have been wanting to go see her, but were waiting until we were over the colds and coughs that have plagued us since Christmas. Finally, this past Saturday, we went to see her. We were going to Boulder and Longmont is on the way, so we stopped and visited. I had called ahead so she knew we were coming and waited near the door for us. The helpers there allowed us to use a private dining room to chat with Marjorie.

It was so good to see Marjorie again and we enjoyed a nice visit and a time of prayer with her.

Marjorie could not get over how big our children are!

We were all dressed up because of the next place we were going, which I will blog about next time.

Thankfully our friend, Mike Durkee, was with us to take the pictures of us with Marjorie!