Monday, February 11, 2013

I can trust Jesus....

One of the young adults in our family had a very real dream last night, that I think will be a blessing to some of you.  Here is the dream....
"I was in a vehicle driving slowly around a city block that had lots of construction going on. I was holding a small baby in my arms, with his head in my hands and his feet toward me. He had trouble trusting me. If I held him resting on my knees below the window level, he would fidget, cry, and almost jump out of my arms. When I held him up in mid-air where he could see what was going on outside the car, he would be fine. I kept telling him in a comforting way, 'Trust me, you don't have to see outside right now. Just trust me; I won't drop you.' "

I suddenly woke up and started thinking about my dream. I wonder how often I act like that baby. I am like a baby and God is like the capable adult. I want to see what is going on around me. I want to know and see where God and I are going. I get really fidgety when God holds me in a way that I cannot see the battles, victories, joys and pleasures that are ahead.

Upon waking up, the phrase stuck in my head was, "Trust me, you can trust me…" I  make it my aim to trust Jesus.

"...I can trust Jesus…He takes care of me..." (I Can  Trust Jesus by the Collingsworths)

"...All things well...He makes no mistake. The good, the bad, the heart-breaking, He is always the same. He doth all things well…"(...All Things Well by the Barnard Family)