Sunday, February 17, 2008

So what have we been doing this month? We certainly haven't been blogging enough!

On February 2,"Brenda the Barber" gave Tim a haircut for her first time, with Mother's help and advice. It didn't look too bad when she got done, either!

All done!February 7th was Tim and Brenda's anniversary of when they started writing. They went on a date and ate at Casa Bonita in Denver. BTW, the bottles are root beer.
Jeffrey and I got new lenses put in our glasses this month. Jason is getting reading glasses for the first time, soon. Now everyone in the family will have glasses.

Last Sunday, February 10, Dad made this oatmeal. He put red hots in normal oatmeal and called it Valentine's Day Oatmeal!

We have been enjoying the Sea Breeze Campmeeting (February 7-17) via the internet ( This is a shot of the computer during service one evening. Tim and Dad bought this truck this week for Tim and Randy's new painting company ABE (Albertson Brothers Enterprises) Painting and Fine Wood Finishing. Tim plans to use the truck to move to MO in late March and they will use the truck for the new business.

We have babysat Alia and Kara R. a lot this month. This is a picture of Kara. She is almost 4.
I made these valentines cards for Mother and for Brenda. I love making cards!
On Valentine's Day we had a Johnstown-Milliken Homeschoolers' game day. Here are some pictures.

The Grzenias, Emily, and Jason

Bonnie and Lexi Peterson with Mother

This week we made some special things for supper: Brenda and I made a chicken braid on Thursday and Brenda made cupcakes for Valentine's Day. Mother made krautburgers on Friday, yum! A lot of work, but worth it!

Oh, yeah, Mother wanted me to tell you about Dad's back problems. His back has been hurting, and it helps to lay on the floor with his feet up in a chair like this. It is feeling much better, thank the Lord!

Daddy and Mother went to the district Republican meeting yesterday. They were both alternates, so couldn't vote, but Daddy was elected to be a delegate to the 4th Congressional District Meeting May 30, and to the Colorado State Republican Convention May 31. Mother will go as an alternate to the 4th Congressional. Next Saturday is the Weld County Republican Assembly which Daddy and Mother will attend as alternates.

Emily and I got new shoes yesterday. Daddy, Mother, and we girls went to 3 stores looking for shoes for Mother, Em, and I. We found some for Emily and I, but not for mother, yet. I am very grateful for my new shoes and beyond that, for parents who are willing to take care of my needs (not always wants); and my parents' practicality.

This is a picture of a cute couple I found!

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