Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Short Visit with our Albertson relatives on the way to MO

You all know by now how we had a week's vacation in Joplin, MO visiting our kids and my parents. There will likely be another post about that, as the subject is not exhausted, but now I wanted to mention that we saw our oldest nephew and his family as we traveled through KS. Herb and Jenny Albertson have been in Boston for 5 years. Earlier this year they moved to the Sterling, KS area. Herb is working at Sterling College, helping to direct the students into their future vocations. His official title is: Career Services Director. We ate lunch with Herb's family at the college cafeteria, and then got a tour of part of the campus. Pictured here is Cooper Hall, which was built in 1887 and was recently totally restored. It is a beautiful building, inside and out. Herb and Jenny are very special to us, and we are excited about the possibilities of being able to see them more often. Here are all of us together, except that Rowen is taking the picture.
Post actually written by Janet, not Beth!

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