Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Our Friend's New Piano CD

I recently bought a piano CD from our family friend, Becky Bennett, who is a missionary to the Navajo Indians in AZ and NM. I wanted to tell you about the CD, so that you can get one if you want to. The CD’s name is “His Love” and has 23 songs or medleys (hymns, present day choruses, and one song she wrote); all of them are played beautifully by Becky on the piano. (63 minutes of music that will absolutely bless your heart!!) Our family bought 6 and have been listening to them a lot. We love it! 1 CD = $12 (+ shipping and handling), 2 or more CDs = $10 (+ shipping and handling). Becky did not ask me to announce this, but it will be a blessing to you and to her if you buy one or more. Her address is:

Becky Bennett
421 N. 5th Street
Williams, AZ 86046.

Tell her I told you about it!!
- Beth
If you want to hear a sound clip of it just comment here, or email us, and we'll email it to you! Tell us which song you'd like to hear...

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