Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Brenda's Great-Aunt Lea promoted to heaven!

This is a picture of our daughter-in-law, Brenda, and her great-aunt Lea, taken July 2007. Brenda got to spend some time with Aunt Lea at least twice in the last year. We got word today that Lea went to heaven yesterday. I wanted to share Rowen's cousin, Katie Gafford's words about her last visit with Lea.
Katie wrote this in an email to us last night: "I had put Tim and Brenda's wedding pictures in a little hand album and took them to the hospital on Sunday afternoon to show them to her. She really found them very special and very interesting. It had been quite awhile since she had seen her great nieces and nephews. She called them her grandchildren! The thing she said the most often was, "I am fully ready for Heaven, and He can take me any time." I told her about the thought of the morning message based on the words, "Friend, come up higher." Her face just lit up. She asked me to have prayer with her and as I started to leave, she said, "He is going to answer that prayer very soon." She told her therapist that she was ready to go to Heaven. What a testimony to leave behind."
Ps 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His saints.

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