Sunday, January 4, 2009

Emily and Jason Play Nicely Together (by Beth)

Several times this week we have really enjoyed the music of the piano (played by Jason) and a recorder (played by Emily) together.

Switching songs suddenly, giggling uncontrollably, ("Only Emily," Jason insists, though I caught him laughing in 3 out of 4 pictures I took!), and "patiently" working to fit each other's musical timing were all a part of this concert while Mother and others prepared supper in the kitchen.

"What note are we starting on?"
; "You play the introductory, and I'll join in at the start."; "Start over, I messed up!" [Okay, I have to admit.. I only heard the first of these three "quotes" and made up the other two based on previous experiences.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun! I love the's an instrument I have encouraged here in Belize, as it is affordable and a good start for anyone to learn some music on. I have used The Master's Recorder Course. It has duets, and is fun. It's great that Jason and Emily are practicing duets together using different instruments. That's not only fun, but also building musical skill.
God bless!