Monday, July 4, 2011

American Independence Day

Reprinted from this Blog post on July 4, 2009 (slightly edited)

One of the things that I did this morning, was what many "red-blooded" Americans have done for generations; I put our family flag in its holder on the front of our house. As I did it, I wondered again why I was doing it, what it really means to me, and what it might mean to others as they drive by our house.

Does it indicate to observers that I am firmly in support of our current federal government, and all that they are standing for and supporting? I certainly hope not!

Does it mean that I want to identify with things like they used to be, say on the original Independence Day? Well, I think so...

Could it mean that I wish to elevate the importance of the U.S.A. above all other countries and peoples on earth? NO! I have too many close relatives living in, and serving the people of countries around the world to ever have that thought...

Is the God of the Bible ever pleased when His people show allegiance to an earthly kingdom, perhaps more, or at least more visibly, than they do to Him? Oh, Lord help us!

I trust that the Lord will bless you and yours by drawing you to His precious heart today and everyday. "Lord, help us to not take for granted the freedom and liberty that are the privilege of each child of God, regardless of where we live on His earth".

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