Friday, November 13, 2015

September happenings

Somehow life got too busy for blogging in September.  So a little catching up is in order.  
Jeffrey came to visit us from Iowa for a few days the first week of September.  He has been busy with teaching Sunday School, leading the Youth, working on his last online class, and keeping house for himself.  We are glad he took the time to come and see us.  We had Randy and Joy and family upfor supper on the deck.
Jonathan played a new game with Grandma.
 Quil and Micah enjoyed building with Legos with Jeffrey. 
 Bedtime came and it was time for the boys to head for home after a last hug for Uncle Jeffrey.  Jeffrey also spent some of his time down at their house and they had a lot of fun with him.
 This was the day Jeffrey was heading back to Iowa.
 September 19, we participated in an event at the Parish House Museum where we gave many tours to many Girl Scouts and Brownies.  We tried to look somewhat old fashioned for the occasion.
 Janet was the tour guide in the part of the basement where the Sugar Factory artifacts are.
 Rowen was tour guide in the other part of the basement where he got to talk about school in the olden days, the Johnstown Tornado and Meteorite.
 September 23, Randy's family was again in Johnstown, this time to celebrate Joanna's 18th birthday.
Jonathan and Aunt Elizabeth reading a book.
 Jewelyn zooming a truck on Grandma.  You can almost hear her truck noises she is making!
 Joanna wearing the apron Elizabeth bought and decorated for her.
 Jonathan and Emily
 We helped with a huge project at the church, which was replacing the ceiling, lights, and fans.  First all the trim had to be taken down.
 This is the map of the trim pieces, made so they would go back up in the right places.  Each piece was marked with the code and then the map was coded.
 The fans and lights had served their time.  
 Emily and Joanna covered the tops of the pews with fabric, then covered all the pews with plastic.
 Randy put up huge sheets of plastic on the walls.
 Quil and Micah took turns vacuuming up messes.  There were a lot of messes for several days!
 The Lucas family and Steve Cunningham came up from Colorado Springs to install the new drywall.
 They placed chipboard across the tops of the pews for a platform on which to work.
 Steve bravely used the drywall stilts to reach the part that was not over the pews.  It was scary to walk around on them with all the plastic trip-hazards.
 We had church outside that Sunday.  There was a lot left to be done inside.
 A sweet fall picture of Emily by our mums.

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