Friday, March 11, 2011

ABE Painting Booth at Home Show in Joplin, MO

The last weekend of February we traveled to Joplin, MO to have a few days before going on to the Bus Ministry Convention in Indianapolis. The Home Show was in progress and we went to see our Randy and Tim's ABE Painting booth. Here are some pictures we took of their booth.

Each panel demonstrated different painting techniques. When people weren't coming in to the booth, Randy would walk back and rub his hand on the gold rough surface (2nd panel in the picture below) and people would come in to feel of it also!

Kids enjoyed playing with the magnets on the orange magnetic paint. Notice the chalk board paint also! Pictures showed kitchens ABE Painting has done.

They do great fauxs!

David offering a refrigerator magnet to a show attender.

They had big pictures showing some of the places they have painted. The fauxing on the left panel is like Tim and Brenda's living room accent walls. The white picture frame wainscoting is like they are doing in their new shop in the front ministry room. (I will do a post on their shop later.) The striped panel is something they have done a lot of.

The panels were great, showing what they do so well. We are praying they get lots and lots of business for the year from all the contacts at the Home Show. Here is Randy with Micah, who loved the suckers handed out at the Home Show!

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